The following interview appeared in Nerve Media
What do you think about Bournemouth at Christmas?
I think they do a good job with the lighting and everything and incorporating local music into the little market. They’re a good tourist attraction.
How do you feel about closing Bournemouth’s Christmas?
I wasn’t expecting that! There is less music on now then there was before, I guess that’s a bad thing.
Do you think Bournemouth is an ideal seaside setting and why?
Yes, I think Bournemouth’s great!
Especially in the summer, with all the spaces. The beach is huge, there is always something going on.
What are your biggest influences for your music?
When I was younger my brother introduced me to acoustic music and he also introduced me to Passenger.
What do you inspire to do in your career that you have yet to achieve?
I just want to play some bigger stages with people that want to listen really. I mean I’m playing a lot at the moment and I’m enjoying it! It’s my full time job.
Trying to get your name out there more?
Yeah name out there more, get some more fans.
What is the most challenging part of your career and why?
I guess it just depends on venue size. Sometimes you get those gigs that are not what you expect they are.
You either have a small little crowd or you’re playing in a pub that aren’t really interested in the music.
Do you get nervous?
I find it daunting in some ways, some stages you can feel absolutely fine. I’ve played to 7 people in a lounge before.
So it’s quite intimate sometimes?
Yep, very strange! It’s completely different.